Teon Eng Soon (1982) A Joy Forever. Times Books International,Singapore. (74 pgs.)
Philip Cribb (1997) Slipper Orchids of Borneo. Natural History Publication, Kota Kinabalu. (118 pgs)Brian and Wilma Rittershausen (2011) The Practical Encyclopedia of Orchids. Hermes House, Leicestershire. (256 pgs)
Teoh Eng Soon (2005) Orchids of Asia. Marshall. Cavendish Editions, London. (369 pgs)
Eric Hansen (2001) Orchid Fever. Methuen Publishing Ltd., London. (272 pgs)

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Wilma Rittershausen (1982 ) An illustrated guide to growing your orchids. Salamander Books Ltd., London. (160 pgs)

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